CONFECTIONERY - Improvers and mixes for confectionery industry
The constant introduction of new products, while maintaining the standard of quality for consumer, is a demanding process. A wide range of modern products in paste or powder form provides for the confectionery industry not only safe production, but also the possibility of producing confectionery products of high quality, using the latest techniques and technologies. This is also applys for small bakeries.
Based on the results of this international experience we have been introduced into the market different, very interesting international types of bread and rolls, which indirectly leads to changes, but also acquiring the habit of consuming healthy and interesting products.
With its total activity greatly help the bakers and pastry chefs to offer its customers the highest quality products.
Product groups:
- Mixes for leavened dough
- Glazes and finished chocolate cream glazing
- Mixes for creams and stabilizers
- Improvers for fine confectionery products
- Mixes for making stuffing
- Mixes for biscuit
- Other products